Liaison hair bond reviews

Estimated read time 6 min read

I don’t know how many brushes have given up their necks to manage my tangled locks. There have been times when my skin is cooperative, and my winged liner nearly matches the color of my hair. However, my hair has always been a problem for my hair. My hair strands are basically the detangled Christmas tree lights – when you release an end of the strand, the next automatically knots itself. It’s sourcery, I’ll tell you.

Numerous hairdressers have had a difficult time with the fineness of my hair. Yet I have it so thick that it appears to be attacking itself and creating knots that can tie an entire boat to the shore. This leads to many floors at the root and is as dry as sandpaper. Since it’s always annoyed me as well, I’ve been a bit gruesome through the years, trying to recover my rights, but it was evident that this resulted in mutual destruction.

I’ve bleached my hair to one inch of its lifespan. I’ve let it go for a long time without trimming it and let short, unflattering layers of hair be cut into it because I didn’t want to care for it. Then I had a moment of realization – yes, it’s an actual thing, and I decided that I didn’t need picture-perfect Instagram hair. All I wanted was healthy hair. I grew up.

Before the bonding treatment, my hair looked dry enough to ignite small flames.

I slathered my entire head with the most luxurious and oiliest the hair-masks. I devoted my time to semi-regular trims and reduced the amount of searing using my assortment of heated tools. It took me a long time to make improvements. It increased in size, and it didn’t look as dry. However, the part that still made me apprehensive was how it looked.

I asked every chair at the hairdresser I was in and got mixed reactions. Some said they were “just my hair texture,” while others attempted to make me drown my hair with Olaplex (spoiler the truth: it was not working). I kept trying every product that claimed to repair my hair; however, I wasn’t 100 sure they made a difference. It was only when Living Proof’s Triple Bond Complex landed on my desk.

What are the hair-bonding treatments?

You might have seen many bond-building products that are being introduced and have been fascinated (like myself). If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, the more concentrated variant of deep conditioning utilizes the chemical bond to restore and rebuild damaged hair. Without getting too scientific, The formulas generally comprise amino acids, proteins, and hydrogen bonds, which operate much more profoundly than a product that is applied to the surface.

Living Proof’s product claims that it can repair the three hair bonds that exist that are hydrogen, ionic, and covalent. However, unlike other products, it makes new bonds and fixes existing ones. This is why it’s possibly the first product I’ve tried that has worked on my hair.

Do hair-bonding treatments work?

Being in the beauty business for some time, I view “one-use wonder” products with an eyeful of salt. Nothing in my book works that fast, and, to my astonishment, it didn’t work either. However, after an hour and a half, I started questioning what was happening to my hair. It seemed shiny and felt thicker than it did, and it almost appeared as if I’d gone to get some glossing treatments at the salon.

Since putting my hair in better habits, I don’t wash it every day like I used to. On average, it is cleaned twice a week, which is how often I use the product, and I could not take enough of it. I sprayed it onto my hair; after that, I gave it a quick swish using a hairdryer, and it was done. When I’d been in a hurry and had not applied it, I regretted it and began counting down until the next time I could reap the advantages.

The content was imported from Instagram. It’s possible to find the exact content in a different format or in a position to get more details on their website.

It took just two weeks to change my hair. It gave my hair a healthier appearance and fallout, and flyaways also improved. It works with my natural curls and when I straighten it because I’ve seen that some products’ results depend on the person using enough heat to cook pizza and create a smoothness.

Since I discovered it a few months ago, I’ve never even used up a single bottle, despite using twice as frequently as the recommended time of once per week as stated on the packaging.

It’s not entirely flawless. I have naturally curly hair that is opposed to any type of heat. However, enabling the formula to activate requires a blast from the hair dryer. If I’m already straightening my hair, this shouldn’t be a problem, but if I’m trying to embrace my natural curls, this isn’t the ideal situation. I was told it required a brief blast of heat to warm it up. My hair does not seem too concerned about using my diffuser attachment. However, it’s important to note that you cannot eliminate the warmth.

At first, I was concerned about how much product you could get for the money. The bottle was tiny (45ml, to be precise) at the PS42 cost. This is close to PS1 for 1ml. However, as I mentioned, I’ve used twice as much as I should and am not finished with one bottle. This is pretty impressive.

My hair after a strict use of the Triple Bond Complex

It’s a bit of money compared to its competition, Olaplex, which is PS28 for 100ml. I’m not sure how many people have recommended this product to me. However, I’ve used two bottles and haven’t found it to make that much of a difference to my hair. Therefore, I’d instead invest an extra amount and reap the benefits of bonding. I’m not saying that it’s not a good idea. I’m still squeezing my measuring spoons from the kitchen to ensure I’m not throwing away the gold liquid, and you’ll be able to agree about the outcomes.

If I could pick only one proof of the value of this tiny bottle, it’s possible for me to use bleach for my hair for the first time in over a decade without my hair being destroyed. This is a fantastic feat for my hair.

In addition, fewer hairbrushes have been abused during styling my hair, which is (almost) unbeatable.

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